Friday, November 9, 2012

22 Days of Thanksiving: Day 9 - The Furry Kids

Everyday from now until Thanksgiving I will be sharing things I am "thankful" for.

Day 9 of Thanksgiving:

I am thankful for my two dogs - my English Springer Spaniels Hershey and Zeke, also known as our "furry children". Our dogs aren't just pets and responsibilities to us, they truly are family members in our home and I love them with all my heart. They both have distinct personalities that make them unique and charming in their own way, but they're both so incredibly sweet and loving. Dogs are amazing creatures because of their ability to show and demonstrate unconditional love and our two furry kids do this every day. I always look forward to coming home because they're there to greet us with their wagging tails, wet noses and sloppy kisses. I am grateful and thankful for my furry kids who show me every day how to love so completely and unconditionally.

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