Thursday, November 8, 2012

22 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 8 - My Husband

Everyday from now until Thanksgiving I will be sharing things I am "thankful" for.

Day 8 of Thanksgiving:

I am deeply thankful for my husband and the incredible relationship we have. Tom and I have been married for 10 years and I can honestly say he has been more than I ever imagined a husband could or would be. At our wedding reception, one of our friends congratulated us and shared how happy she was for us; that we seemed perfect for each other because we were "good" for each other, but she thought it was unfortunate we hadn't met earlier in our lives so we had more time to spend together. I thought then and I still believe now, that God brought us together at the most "perfect time". I truly believe if we had met each other sooner, we wouldn't have appreciated each other as much. We don't ever take each other for granted and that's what makes our relationship and marriage so great. I am thankful for my amazing husband who came into my life at the perfect time.

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